What I really loved was that the Scripture was right in the text of the study. No chance for distractions by going back and forth from workbook to Bible. (And I do get distracted like that.)
I loved the notes in the margins and sometimes wished the entire study could be just the margin notes. But y'know, I'm strange like that.
I read through Live Relationally: Lessons from the Women of Genesis. Sometimes it seemed a little simplistic. More "milk" less "meat" if y'know what I mean. Not that there aren't women who need milk mind you. That's probably why I enjoyed the margin notes so well. More to chew on.

I will probably read through Live Deeply: A Study in the Parables of Jesus as well. These are the two sent to me to review. There are two others in the series. Live Fearlessly: A Study in the Book of Joshua and Live Intimately: A Study from the Upper Room.
What's also nice about this series is you can definitely study alone but also with a group. I find it irritating when companies (Lifeway) have these great studies that an individual can't afford to do because they'd have to buy a video curriculum that's hundreds of dollars plus the participant's guide. Not very conducive to getting the Word of God out there, as far as I'm concerned. I realize the benefit of group study, but sometimes that's not possible. Like when you move and don't have a church. Or when you just want some quiet time with God. So kudos to David C. Cook for giving us a Bible study that works with the time constraints of so many women as well as a budget conscious series!
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