This picture looks fake. I promise you, it is not!
I took this photo the same morning I took this one. So I guess I cheated a little because this photo wasn't taken this week. But--I am giving a week worth's of words so maybe it's not cheating!
When I took it, I didn't know what (or if!) I'd ever use it. I was honestly just playing with the camera settings!

So. What you're looking at is what I look at from my desk in my office. That's my gorgeous view. The Army Guys? Yeah. LOVE them. Aladdin and Toy Story are my favorite Disney movies and I had to buy the set. There's an old school picture of Phil back there behind the truck. And, why yes...that is an eyeball rock in the driver's seat. Next to that is a stone that usually stands up, it has a frog etched in it, but the window was open that morning so I could practice taking pictures. Next to the frog rock are two stones one of my friends gave me (because I collect rocks. I'm a big kid. LOL)
I'm sad that you don't get to see my antique pencil sharpener. It's up there on the window sill as well.
So there you have it. Me. The definition of dorky!
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Next week's word is: GUILTY
You have from now until next Monday to take your photo, post it and you'll be able to link it next Monday. I can't wait to see what you come up with!
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Also, since the word hope was so challenging for me, I thought I'd give you a head's up on a month's worth of words so thatI you can have some more time to get just the right shot.
Week #4--Guilty
Week #5--Bold
Week #6--Free
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Also, since the word hope was so challenging for me, I thought I'd give you a head's up on a month's worth of words so that
Week #4--Guilty
Week #5--Bold
Week #6--Free
pop⋅in⋅jay--noun--a person given to vain, pretentious displays and empty chatter.
In other words, blogging. ;)
Isn't that what this personal blogging is all about? Me. Me. Me. For this photo challenge, that's perfect. We're going to dig inside of ourselves and do some "concept photography."
I'm going to give you a word and you're going to take a photo of something that describes the concept of the word.
- You CANNOT take pictures of your kids or your pets for this challenge. Or anyone else's kids or pets. I know they're precious, but they make your creative bone lazy. Let's get outside of the box. Let's be challenged.
Please leave the link to your post (not the link to your website or blog.) For example:
Right: http://michellependergrass.com/week1_photo
Wrong: http://michellependergrass.com
So--Let's see your photos for DORKY
Link up and don't forget to visit the other participants!
Okay, I missed last week's, so I put mine up nice and early this week so as not to miss it! ;-)
I love your photo, it is beautiful and very fitting of the theme! Perfect!
I came by after reading Karina's blog. I used to have tons of those plastic green army men, and on the bottom of that flat skateboardish thing they stand on their names.
I love your definition of dorky! What a view!! WOW....
Michelle, I just want to tell you: I enjoy coming here...it feels safe and I always smile! Tonight, I needed that smile.
I love your collection, it's not dorky, it's charming
sorry, no photos from me this week...couldn't seem to find the right thing for dorky except eyeglasses and I didn't want to do something so plain
Cool photo. It totally looks like a poster or something.
I'm not sure I'll be able to come up with something this week. If I didn't hate to have photos taken of myself, I'd do a self portrait. :)
Okay, okay. I did it. LOL!
This is a very interesting light effect. It reminds me of when there's a storm rolling in and you see something lit up with sunlight, but with huge gray storm clouds behind it.
I posted my "dorky" glasses - I think it's more geeky than dorky but isn't that the same anyway?
Ok, a day late!!! finally got it up, you're going to LOVE IT!
I wish I had your view! Oh, to look out and see beautiful trees and land and not more apartment buildings.
I like rocks, what's wrong with rocks?
Actually we have fossils. Lots and lots of fossils. Perhaps I'll take some pictures of those some time in the future. =)
I'm pretty sure I'm WAY late to the party, but I love the concept so am jumping on the gravy train.
Thanks for giving me something to think about and I hope I did the challenge some good.
Now I'm off to look at the other entries!
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