Remember 10? Mrs. Kaczmarek was my teacher. I was the only one who could spell her name right. It was a bonus word on our first spelling test. And I was also the only one who spelled the bonus word "rendezvous" correct on a different test. We had to write a dictionary that year of something we were interested in. Mine was on car parts. Mrs. Kaczmarek told me I needed to be more of a girl. I told her I was going to sign up for the Army and then I was going to be a truck driver and a writer.
I did sign up for the Army. I was a truck driver. I am a writer.
She didn't believe me. I don't know if anyone did.
Zane hasn't told me yet what he wants to be. Engineering will be a part of it, I imagine.
I want to pay attention to his desires, his goal, his dreams. I wonder what he will do? What he will be?

Kudos to Amie from Clemons Cakery!
She bakes the most yummilicious cakes.
That's stinkin' impressive! Both the cake and you knowing what you wanted to do at 10. I'm 37 and I STILL don't know! :-)
Jenny--I knew I forgot something! I didn't make his cake this year! I need to edit and put in proper credit!! Thanks for reminding me.
I have no clue how I know what I wanted to do when I was 10. That's part of the reason I want to pay close attention to him!
I love the word cakery.
Great cake and it looks like a fun party. It's hard to believe he's 10!
Hope Zane had a great birthday! I have been meaning to ask you if you made the cake. It's cute!
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