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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tackle It Tuesday--more remodeling

,Tackle It Tuesday Meme

You can see all of my Tackles here.

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Are you sick of the construction photos yet? You should be. I am.

I'm trying to be happy about all this change, but it's tiring and I'm so done with the packing thing. Then there's the banging upstairs and the cold and the dirt. Plus, I can't go braless when people are here. That's probably why I'm cranky.

So we're at the point where it really doesn't look like much has happened. But it has. There's shingles on the outside. There's a window in place. The wiring's done. The yucky red carpet is gone. That's the upstairs.

The bathroom downstairs is gutted and rewired and framed up and ready for the old tub and sink to be yanked out. We have to get the new shower, sink, and toilet upstairs working before we can do that though.

Hole in the roof.
Framed up

Yeah! A window!
View from new bathroom window
Boarded up and no more carpet!
Phil ran all the electricity!
So close yet so far from finished

And...the downstairs bathroom.

Of course, none of that is my work. I've been stuck in packing hell.

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Anonymous said...

I understand what you're going through. For me it's painting. I've been doing it by myself for weeks. If I see one more gallon of oatmeal hued paint, I'm gonna puke. It will be great when it's done. Just hang in there.

Elaina M. Avalos said...

It's coming along. You'll get there. I hate moving. I know it sucks. But you'll get there. :)