**********I'm blogging at and Visual Prayer now!**********

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm so Bad Sometimes--Makes It Hard to be a "Good Christian"

Things I've been known to do, or think, or want really, really bad to do.

  • I drop the F-bomb.

  • I wish stupid people would go live on their own planet and breed merrily--far, far away from me.

  • I wonder how some people get by.

  • I want to send the secrets I know about people who have betrayed me to PostSecret. (This is like #1 on my list. You should see the postcards I have made in my head)

  • I wish I could stab people with a fork who make slurpy, smacking noises when they eat. (waving at Sher!)

  • And yeah I want to slap people who are on Nanny 911 and have their kids on leashes. (Sher again!)

All that adds up to a recipe for a "bad Christian" but I'm not perfect and I don't know how to be even though I'm a perfectionist with OCD tendencies and I drive myself freaking crazy sometimes.

That's all. Just had to get that out.

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Rosebud Collection said...

I am happy you let all that don't you feel better?..This has nothing to do with being a good Christian..You are human and remember God made you..I always laugh and chat with the Almighty, "Hey, I am trying, but do you see what I am up against"?
Then, I look at myself and boy, that straightens me right out in a you see, you are not alone..

Anonymous said...

LOVE postsecret. keeps me connected to a lot of pple I don't normally think about, ya know?

I"m so glad we don't have to be GOOD enough. just believe. (but I know what you mean...)

Toni said...

You're killing me girl! lol

Sherendipity said...

/waves back
Hi babydoll!
I would love to take this opportunity to volunteer to be your own, personal Post Secret. You get those postcards together and I will make a special Post Secret Blog post of my own, and I'll add in a few myself.
I have no shame!

Anonymous said...

LOL! We are all human. No one's perfect. I feel the same way about the Nanny show. Can't watch it. ;-)
