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Friday, May 16, 2008

Dreams, Dreams, and More Dreams

  • I write down all of the dreams I can remember. Sometimes, I wake in the middle of the night to write them--those are the best. Misspelled words, rough drawings, and incomplete sentences, yet totally raw and full of emotion. Sometimes, my dreams seem pretty meaningless or mundane. But as I examine them and dig into the representations my subconscious makes, I'm left speechless and stunned. Yes. Me. Without words. That's what happened with my dream last night. I don't know if I'll share or not.
  • I'm waiting for the results of my blood tests. I could have either thyroid disease or diabetes. Or neither. I'll find out sometime today.
  • Chuck is sleeping on my pile of clean clothes. Damn dog. Damn laundry that never ends.
  • I'm in a "get rid of" mood. I want to scour my house for unnessary items and get rid of them.
  • I'm was so totally angry in my dream last night and I have dream hangover. I still feel angry.

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Anonymous said...

I hate dream hangovers. Unless they're from lovely dreams. But seeing as how I have more nightmares than lovely dreams, I hate dream hangovers. Sometimes (often) poor Chris gets the brunt of it. I have to remind myself that I'm not actually mad at him.
Still, I love dreams, even if they're not always good. At least they're entertaining. I love entertaining myself.
And if I ever decide to take up SF, I've got a doozy of a story from a dream I had about two years ago. Surprisingly, a lot of my dreams are coherent and have full plots.

~michelle pendergrass said...

You should write the SF story just for the fun of it!

Anonymous said...

I just realized that means I can't ask you to edit my story for coach's midnight diner cuz you, ya know, are one of the editors for coach's midnight diner.
Gina H