**********I'm blogging at and Visual Prayer now!**********

Thursday, February 15, 2007

How Much Have I Made?

In November, I decided to try to make a little cash while blogging. I mean, I blog anyway, why not make a little extra money, right? Little did I know I’d end up actually liking it!

In December, I took this opportunity and much to my surprise I was contacted by the PayPerPost people a few days into January to tell me that I was winner #3 and had won an HP camera and photo printer! It arrived just days later!

Just a couple weeks ago, the shocks on our only vehicle went kaput. I hadn't been taking paid opportunities daily, but I had managed to rack up about $150 that was sitting in my PayPal account. Good thing, because we didn't have the entire amount for the shock kit Phil had to buy to fix the car. Who would have thought blog ads would pay for new shocks?

And now, with the changes PayPerPost has introduced, I've made close to $150 in the past two weeks. Yes, I could have made more. Probably an average of $15-20 a day, but as I said in the last post, I don't take every opportunity available. Which I'm ok with.

Since we're doing Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University, we now have an emergency fund set up for major mishaps that always happen at the worst times, so I don't have to worry about the PPP money going for things kaput-ing. Now, I can do with the money what I originally intended, set it aside for writer's conferences.


Carey said...

I have heard great things about Dave Ramseys financial you like it? Good luck with payper post..i have signed up to do it too, but i have not heard back from them in 2 i guess they dont like my blog. I wish you the best.

DEBTective said...

Great job, dollface! Nice work setting up the emergency fund and doing things the Dave Ramsey way. Good luck on deep-sixing your debt, and thanks for spreading the debt free word, baby!